Technically, TrippliteMinimate 5 0 TR MMD60E7CHEL0 PFH067A-YL7 is a power distribution unit with a 5-15P input connection, 5 outlets, a 6-foot cord, and a 15 amp electrical capacity. It also has a lighted power switch and a durable metal housing for long-term use.Solicita el precio via WhatsApp
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- Conexiones de salida: 6 x NEMA 5-15R, 2 x NEMA 5-20R
- Tipo de batería: Batería de plomo sellada sin necesidad de mantenimiento con electrolito suspendido
5 0 TR
Technically, TrippliteMinimate 5 0 TR MMD60E7CHEL0 PFH067A-YL7 is a power distribution unit with a 5-15P input connection, 5 outlets, a 6-foot cord, and a 15 amp electrical capacity. It also has a lighted power switch and a durable metal housing for long-term use.Solicita el precio via WhatsApp